Monday, January 14, 2008

Yesterday - all my troubles seemed so far away! part 4

St Mary, FOY, Herefs
Originally uploaded by ChurchCrawler
was my first planned target, chosen because I had belived that I had spotted a wondrous spired church here whilst on a school trip to the area. It wasn't this one but the church is pleasant enough and its setting is enchanting, on a tall bank overlooking the River Wye a little to the south beyond the saturated meadows below the churchyard.
You have to want to come here, as it stands at the far end of a huge river loop and you can go no further. Tower, nave and chancel, the entrance from the north, not via the porch on the south side where the views are to be had. Inside much of interest, a C17 pulpit, a fancy screen of a similar age (heavily restored) which incorporates parts of an earlier loft with small carvings, my favourite of a hedgehog or wild boar no more than five inches across. In a cusped recess by the pulpit (presumably once an altar recess) is a small C13 effigy. The glass in the east window is dated 1670. Come here - the setting alone repays, but the fascinating contents will detain the church enthusiast as well. Be warned though - no pub here.

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